Gillian Harris
Medium, Spiritual Teacher, Author
“The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
– Dr. Seuss
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My Life Is About Finding The Words...
My Mission
I'm committed to finding the words that communicate the multi-dimensional reality of our existence as souls. That Spirit is all and that we, as spirits, are one. That each association we have in any lifetime is for positive purpose and if you cant find the positive - therein lies your work! Finding the words to express that we create by way of thought and emotion. Emotion! So many have beautiful emotion but try to "keep a lid on it"! Why?! We are powerful beyond measure. I'm committed to finding the words to express that each lifespan is love time. Love time is what lifetimes are about. Both life and love are eternal. Finding the words to share how to stay close to those we love, even when they've become seemingly formless... they are still the same powerful loving souls they have always been. It's a lot. I am grateful for these truths and am committed to finding the words to share our amazing and blessed reality.. Sharing with the globe(s)."
Rev Gillian V Harris, M.S.P. One day in 2019
Available Now!
'HAVE WE ...MET?!'
E-book AND Audio!
Its a Purple Movement!
Unity Wins!

BE the MEDIUM you are!
(Audiobook available)