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Gillian Harris, M.S.P., 
CEO, Metaphysical Consultant, Author


"Within these pages FAT meets 

You are not what you eat!!

You are what you think!"

    ~20 Metaphysical Tools for Weight Release

There are many theories on why diets don't work but most seem to be grounded in the mesmerizing 'physical'. Calories in/Calories out/ Metabolism/ Water Consumption/ Sleep Etc.  While those factors are important to weight loss, they are barely the tip o the solution iceberg. Truth of the matter is, diets (all of them) DO work. Keep reading...

We set out with the best of intentions and maybe make it a day a week, maybe even a few months only to fall off the wagon and possibly end up heavier than we originally started. How could our intentions, which are SO strong, get derailed so absolutely? And Over and Over again - no matter how hard we try?! What the ....?!

Ok...CLEARLY there is some sort of underlying THING goin' on that we're missing!!! Right! OBVIOUSLY there is a THING! And I n
eed to tell you that this thing is just like a flu virus in that it's invisible to the naked eye but it's real and once it gets you....

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Yeah. You read me right. I said: Memes. That would be plural for more than one meme. Which is the case pretty much always. There is a serious epidemic of memes globally, Memes are affecting your decisions, your quality of life. Yes! Be afraid! Be very afraid! Or not! Truth is, some memes are downright lovely! Aware
ness is the key to meme control and quality meme-ing. Sorry, I'm ahead of myself. 

....I Googled a definition on what a 'Meme' is and got a piece of the answer...
For a fuller on target definition of a meme - I turned to a brilliant book actually dedicated to the subject by Richard Brodie.  'Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme.'; In it, we learn that memes and specifically the study of 'Memetics' - is actual scientific theory bringing together a bunch of highly credible and profound fields; biology, psychology and cognitive science. Simply put, meme are thoughts, ideas and once the infiltrates your mind they can become part of your behavior and p

"Your world, your life, your body

are created with the mind chatter resulting from your belief system.

Change your chatter, change your belief.

Change your belief, change your body! "

Gillian Harris
20 Metaphysical Tools for Weight-Release

Our Soul is the God drenched core

 of what we are - the part of us that

makes us each magnificent and

powerful beyond measure.”

Gillian Harris