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Click Here to learn more about Stargate Adventure! Off Roading through the day and at night relax to a Sound Bath Under The Stars. Gillian then Guides Powerful  World Peace and 'CE5 Meditations' as we communicate with friends from ...VERY far away places. 

Gillian Harris, M.S.P.
CEO, Metaphysical Consultant, Author & OFF-ROADIN' SOUND BATHER!!!

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Stargate Adventure

OFF ROADING BY DAY: We Roll Through the most beautiful nature by day!  Easy trails - moderate at worst. Must have a 4WD vehicle with adequate clearance and other particulars. We find a place to call camp before Sunset

CHILL - ENJOY - FREE YOUR MIND: We Set Up Camp - Cook - Eat ! Then Relax to an delicious SOUND BATH Under The Stars!  Gillian Then Guides a POWERFUL Meditation for World Peace & that leads into the Love Vortex needed next: CE5 COMMUNICATION.....

CE5 is Human Initiated Communication With Folks Who Live on Other planets!  We set a collective Loving Intention ( so that we then attract the same) and now it's about Expanding your Consciousness to meet and greet people from other places and galaxies.

I'd rather call them people than ET's to illumine the truth that we aren't really separate. Truth is, we are all one.  

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 Answers to FAQ:
- I've been searching the skies for decades and have only gotten better at cross dimensional communication
- Yes I have had at least one encounter with 'ET's and the inside of one of their vehicles.
- No, I'm not afraid of abduction or worse.  Why? First of all I call on the omnipotence of Source/Spirit/God/Universe to usher me/us through our journey. Also, just like there are good and not so good humans, there are good and not so good aliens and it is possible to focus your intention on Love and Peace to attract that which you are.   I've been a 'Medium' and 'Channel' for years and because of where my heart is I am always safe. 

Gillian's Newest Book


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