What is the implication of this????
What do James Leinenger, Christopher Haupt and Gillian Harris have in common?!
When they were children (which Christopher still is, as I type) they had vivid memory of lives they lived in different incarnations. Now, MY experience wasn’t famous –it was WAY before the computer age. And the only person I told was my math tutor! James and Christopher, on the other hand, are just two of dozens around this modern day globe, who have similar mind blowing testimonials of living other incarnations. One little boy was a WWII fighter pilot who vividly remember many details include the fiery crash of his plane. The other one was Lou Gehrig!!! They have/had validated dates, locations, names and mostly ‘emotion’ as they are still connected to that lifetime! The EMOTION is the part that convinces me 100% that these are accurate previous incarnation recall experiences. The footage of James throwing the flowers into the ocean where, as a WWII fighter pilot, his plane sank after burning and crashing. Emotion as he memorialized…..HIMSELF! – DUDE!!! Are you with me on the implications of this?!
There is a link below of the James Leinenger story. I first learned of the Haupt story by logging on to Coast2CoastAM which is hosted by metaphysics lover George Noory. He was interviewing Christophers mom, Cathy Byrd, because she wrote a book called, ‘The Boy Who Knew Too Much’!
These children are not UNIQUE! It’s not like THEY are the only ones who’ve had other incarnations! And it’s not the incarnations that brings me to the keyboard at this moment. It’s the part in between the lines that is so glaring! It’s the concept that may take you time to get grounded in – but.. the blatant message in these stories is about what we are WITHOUT our bodies. We are Spirits. Otherwise, how is this body hopping, lifetime to lifetime thing, even possible?!
You are a Spirit. I am a Spirit. I know it sounds like I’m saying we’re GHOSTS! Lol! And yes, I AM kind of saying that. So-called ghosts, however, don’t ‘tend to’ have bodies only because most can’t SEE them because they are living in a different dimension than this. When they are strong enough to merge into this dimension, the vast majority of the Spirit beings on this side (formerly thought of as mere humans) can feel them. And by that, I’m saying that it is my contention – the average person is at least slightly clairsentient. While they may not be able to read a message via the ’feeling’, they definitely sense when someone else is there!!! This includes Spirits who have evolved BEYOND physical lifetimes and beyond the need to do incarnations ‘with a body’! Yeah, there are Spirits doing entire incarnations with NO BODIES! Many Spirit Guides have no bodies. They don’t need em anymore!
Overall, my guess is you have sensed the presence of someone who isn’t living in this dimension or a spirit guide but didn’t see or hear them. Like, at some point in your life, you’ve had that sensation that …. You were not alone!! That’s normal. And… that’s a mild form of clairsentience. Based on my experience, I’d say statistically there are more clairsentient people than anything else. You feel them versus see/hear them. A smaller percentage of Spirit beings on THIS side of that veil are clairaudient, viewer still clairvoyant and even fewer still are the numbers of those who are clairsentient, clairaudient AND clairvoyant! And yeah, the whole reason we can even have these intuitive experiences is because we are spirit beings.
My point in sitting down to write at this moment was to offer for your consideration, that if you haven’t already – spend some time contemplating the self you are without your body! The you, you are despite, regardless of, with/without your body!! You are NOT your body! Focus on your essence. Your personality – the part of you that is choosing what to say with your voice – the part of you that is telling your brain what to do next – THAT part! And yeah, if you ever thought that you are your brain, you are not! The brain, the body – these are TOOLS! Amenities!!
I completely believe that the Creator believes it is TIME for us to be aware of these situations like James and Christian and know that they are not UNIQUE! This is not a RARE thing. Stop ‘ooing and awing’ and realize these testimonies are coming out NOW at a time of rapid information via the internet – for a reason! Is it possible that it’s time for us to evolve in THAT way?! The realization of what we really are does, indeed, open all kinds of other doors in terms of ‘technology’ like the Quantum Physics behind the way our thoughts actually – and literally create stuff.
If you haven’t already, I offer for your contemplation that you are not your body. That you are a field of consciousness … Implications… Huge.