

By Awesome Milano
August 1, 2018

Let’s face it, weight release is challenging enough without it taking so long. If we can speed up the process that would certainly be more encouraging, right?! Well, in this article I’d like to share some tips to turbo charge your weight release effort!!!

As you may know 70% of your weight loss effort is directly related to the food you eat. So, it is very important that you consider the type of food you consume if you are trying to lose a few extra pounds or increase your turbo charged weight loss. Since the body consists of many cells that burn up the body, it takes a person whose metabolism runs fast for his or her cells to be able to burn up a lot of energy. With a slow metabolism of body cells, abundant fat will be stored only to be melted once the body is able pick up the metabolic pace and burn it up.

There are a plethora of techniques and tips available to turbo charge weight loss. You may have been used to one or two tips which may not really be working for you. Human metabolism can be affected by exercise, body temperature, hormonal activity, type of food and food digestion. And THEN there’s STRESS! Stress tends to influence the body to hold onto fat, especially around the mid-section. Some sort of survival thing!  I guess the first tip would be – avoid stress and since its not completely avoidable, find a way to regularly release it (exercise?!). Here are more tips to turbo charge your weight loss effort!


As a matter of fact avoid the non delicious fried food as well! ANY fried food! Even if you rationalize the amount of fried food you eat in a day let's say 400 calories, it still messes with your weight loss. Fried food may contains acrylamide toxins that send wrong signals to the body. These signals prohibit the cells from functioning normally making the release of fat even harder.  Eating fried foods regularly can be dangerous for your health. Fried foods are typically high in trans fat, can increase your risk of having diseases like diabetes and heart disease oh top of… obesity.

If you quitting fried foods is a challenge like quitting cigarettes, your not alone. That’s nyummy stuff. But the bottom line is, it’s completely sabatoging your weight release effort and you may not realize it YET but it’s doing a number on your ability to live a LONG healthy life. It’s a bummer but… fried foods are poison.


As you have heard and will continue to hear that taking one or two glasses of water immediately you wake is very essential to the body. It is researched that taking water early in the morning helps flush out waste or toxin inherent in the body and makes the body not only ready for the day's activities but also fights unwanted materials that may want to attack the body.

One of the most precious meals is breakfast and you should begin consuming it literally within minutes of waking up. This will give your metabolism a good morning slap! Like “WAKE UP and GET BUSY”. Start your metabolism rolling and working on your behalf first thing. Don’t wait an hour or two o rmore! Eat immediately. Then, eat every 3 hours to keep it moving in your behalf!  Regarding early breakfasts, those are good to enhance your daily works and practices. Early breakfast also gives energy to compete for much longer during work-outs.

3. Quantity of Food-Intake

In real estate and many other businesses its “location, location, location”! In weight release it’s quantity, quantity, quantity!!! Its urgent that you eat enough! Its urgent that you don’t eat too LITTLE! And its urgent that you not eat TOO MUCH!!! Phew! So, if you haven’t already, its time to get conscious about portion sizes! Yes! You’ve got to do it! Once you get it down, things become easier. Your goal is to make sure you are not depriving yourself of food.  If you do that your body goes into a survival mode and slows itself down to prepare for a possible famine. How does it prepare for aforementioned famine?! BY STORING FAT!!!!!  That means that fad diets are definitely out if you want to burn fat faster. But on the other hand, if you eat more calories than your body uses throughout the day, these additional calories will be stored as fat.  So, the need to learn portions is important. What IS moderation?! What you previously thought was “moderation” may be excessive calories! ☹  Work to shrink your meals. Shrink them but elevate the protein, the vitamins and minerals. Try eating three small meals and two small snacks daily. Try a protein drink breakfast, a good lunch, a protein shake snack and a leafy green + protein dinner!  300- 400 calories every time you eat.  5 meals is optimum spaced 3 hours apart! And know that every time you put the right amount of calories in your body it’s like throwing another much needed log on the fire. If you have too much food in the stomach at any one time, it will slow the fat burn down, totally defeating the purpose.

4. Eating Good Fat

It is sometimes called the good or unsaturated fats. These fats help raise good HDL cholesterol and lowers bad LDL cholesterol. According to research, they help prevent belly fat and protects strange build-ups in the arteries. You can find this good fat in some foods like olive oil and olives, canola oil, almonds, cashews, peanuts, peanut butter, sesame seeds, and avocados.

Olive Oil

Cool or cold OLIVE OIL is rich in cancer-fighting polyphenols and heart-strengthening monounsaturated fats, and when it comes to looking lean, it's backed by some pretty strong facts. A recent study from Obesity found that an olive-oil-rich diet resulted in higher levels of adiponectin than did a high-carb or high-protein diet.

Taking two to three spoon of olive oil a day can raise HDL levels that help protect against heart diseases.
However, studies show that olive oil becomes carcinogenic when heated! For cooking try Coconut oil.

Coconut Oil

Coconut is high in saturated fat, but more than half of that comes from lauric acid, a unique lipid that battles bacteria and improves cholesterol scores. And get this: A study published in Lipids found that dietary supplementation of coconut oil actually reduced abdominal fat cells. Of the participants, half were given two tablespoons of coconut oil daily and the other half were given soybean oil, and although both groups experienced overall weight loss, only the coconut oil consumers' waistlines shrunk. Sprinkle unsweetened flakes over yogurt or use coconut milk in a stir-fry to start whittling your waist.

Almond Butter

Numerous studies have indicated that almonds can help you lose weight despite their high fat content. In fact, a study from the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders compared two diets over the course of six months. One group followed a low-fat, calorie-restricted diet (18 percent fat) and the other followed a moderate-fat diet (39 percent fat) in which the extra fat was supplied by almonds. The latter group lost more weight than the low-fat dieters, despite the fact that both groups consumed the same amount of total calories. Furthermore, the almond eaters experienced a 50 percent greater waistline reduction.



