
Time to End Botox Virginity

Written By Rev. Gillian V Harris, M.S.P.
Posted 6-9-2024


Here I am, the Conscious Cougar, swearing that we need to pursue Beauty or maintain it by 'Any Means Necessary'! All that, yet, I have points on my face where I have been threatening to go get Botox for years! That's procrastination. Recently I said to myself, self, why? What are you waiting for? Since Allergan's Botox (TM) was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the temporary Improvement of moderate to severe glabellar lines ( i.e. the frown lines between the eyebrows which I like to call my 'what-the' (like, WTF?!) lines.

It's totally been the common modern day go-to. If you want to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles caused by facial expressions; frowning, squinting, smiling, wondering what the___?? Then you get out there and find a place to shoot you with Botox. So, I'm planning to do just that! Finally! It is the first time that I'm going online and I'm doing some research and trying to figure out what this Botox thing is. What does it exactly do? How does it work?? I'm needing to get up to speed on the ins and outs of neuromodulators! Learning how to pronounce things like botulinum which is described as a toxin type A (BoNT-A) which temporarily paralyzes muscles for cosmetic effect! You see, the lack of muscle contraction prevents the face from forming and or deepening lines and wrinkles. I mean one way to go about it is to stop saying what the f***! But using this stuff I can say what the f*** without the 11th happening. But the more I look at it wow, that's a pretty expressive part of my face! Paralyzed?! Oh my word!! But is it worth it for the appearance of smoother skin?! I did declare by any means necessary.. and the smoother skin is only until of course... until it wears off!

So, apparently there's no right or wrong time to start doing Botox! But if you're interested and in a position to start early, I'm reading that neurotoxin injections can potentially have a preventative effect! A Doctor Leslie Rabach is quoted as saying "we are so lucky to be in a world where we can prevent many aging processes that generations before us couldn't. Botox is a wonderful tool to use in small amounts to prevent wrinkles from ever starting."
Well, I missed that! So, lets catch it before it gets EVER SO WORSE!!! Ha!
This is all soooo interesting!!!
The younger you, are the less lines you have, the more effective the treatment> HOWVER, everybody, even if you're older and already have lines, will see effect!

My first step was to talk to my doctor!  Just to make sur BOTOX would be okay for me. He gave me the green light. I've talked to friends who do BOTOX but right now, I am ALL OVER the internet, learning and researching. Getting  a lot of information my friends didnt know to tell me!! At this moment I'm mesmerized by an article on aedit.com

Listen to this: For people who already have lines, they might require more units (the amount of BOTOX) to decrease the movement and also might need adjunct procedures like peels, fillers and (ouch) 'micro-needling' to remove the lines that are sketched in already! Micro-NEEDLING.

I'm sorry, that sounds ...painful! I got my eyebrows micro'BLADED a couple times and that was painful! In fact I did it twice because as part of the same procedure, the technician required I come back for a second BLADING! I remember hearing every microslice as she tatooed perfectly shaped eyebrows with a promise of at least a year of effect!! It worked but... I heard every slice!!! I don't think I can do that one again! lol! 
But the BOTOX. Oh yeah! I cannot wait to do this! And I realize we're talking SHOTS IN THE FACE!!!  But... its said to be "minimally uncomfortable". Thats what I just saw on Google. But I've also had friends tell me it was like a pinch and then nothing. One patient said that she basically felt "frozen" but doesn't LOOK frozen! That's got to be the paralysis.. and she says her makeup wears better without her forehead creasing all the time! She feels like she looks more refreshed regardless of whether she's gotten enough sleep! Now that's a good testimonial!

Definitely make a follow-up appointment after your treatment! Apparently this should happen a week or so later and at that time they can find out if a touch up was needed. And it's a great time to take those after photos. Speaking of that before and after - remember, BOTOX is miserably temporary!

No matter which brand you got the results aren't immediate and then on top of everything they do not last forever! Like getting your nails done - except maybe not as often, but you still have to 'keep it up'! Apparently most patients find that the injections last 3 to 4 months at which point it would be time for another treatment. That could also vary - everybody is different. So the first thing I will do is look for a BOTOX place near me and I'll be looking for someone who is certified as a plastic surgeon. I will then look at reviews and see what other experiences have been had with this doctor and I promise to check back! Most likely will post before and after shots! If you have any tips for me regarding Botox that you would like for me to know and then share with the world, email me at the conscious cougar at gmail.com I hope this article finds you well. I will talk to you soon as I continue to practice what I preach! WISDOM, HEALTH & BEAUTY by Any Means Necessary!!!

The conscious cougar, over and out!