By Rev. Gillian V. Harris, M.S.P.
Posted August 18, 2021
“Love always wants to bring us closer to what we love,
whether the object of love is God, truth or reality, whether it is a car, an iPad, or a person.”
The Power of Divine Eros, pg 189
I wanted to write an article about the POWER of infatuation, today! The POSITIVE power of it!! The vibration of it is so elevating! It’s a HIGH! I, personally, am on that high right now! Fully inebriated and operating under the influence of a highly concentrated infatuation! Loving it – except for when I thought to myself, ‘hm…am I making a mistake again or is this real?!’. That’s doubt! Where did that come from?! Is that intuition or is that psychosis?! An emotional habit built out of some sort of lack of esteem as we create a ‘story’ about what may not even be. Is he not calling me right now because he’s dating some Halle Barry looking woman I could never compete with?!?! Oh, lets deal with that bubble popping perspective. That buzz kill that comes up even when it doesn’t need to! WT actual …HECK?!
For me, this time (most of the time! Lol) this infatuation has been enhancing for me. I wondered to myself, ‘Self, what would happen if we focused there?” On what feels amazing and let that work its magic. Positive there’d be power in the formula, I also knew I wanted to share. Time to seriously dig into ‘infatuation’!
In my research, I expected to see other positive view-points agree with me about this stimulating romantic phase but instead I got a startling/face-slap kind of awakening. I go to look for ‘the power’ of infatuation as a positive thing and find a ton of experts talking about the opposite! Power as a bad thing. Bad power! Like a bad dog. Bad, bad, bad! And worse: The DARK power of infatuation! As if it wields its own black magic. OMG! I was frustrated because I so cherish infatuation!
At this very moment I’m feeling so empowered by the energy and vibrational lift of infatuation that I want to understand it and share what I gain from that understanding! I want to encourage the conscious consideration of the BENEFITS of romantic energy including infatuation! But I had to use my own expertise and experience with energy/vibration, to back up my argument. Quantum Physics can NOT be overlooked in this topic as it is based in movement and creation (manifestation) stimulated by emotion which triggers creative vibration! - In a sense using infatuation to turbo charge your other manifestations is kind of like using gun powder to create a do it yourself bullet. You really need to pay attention and know what you’re doing! Knowing the power of the energy vortex created by infatuation – I am always SO excited to knock out some projects while immersed in this bliss!
Now, I DO understand that STATISTICALLY, we grow infatuations a bzillion times more often than we actually find soul mates. And yes, I’m one who believes there is more than one soul mate per person, per incarnation. Thank God! And this means each relationship is golden for some reason. Each experience is for growing, learning and at the very least, the immersion in the sensation of heaven and joy that this life is supposed to be. And it’s a wonderful life – even solo - but its features are best when shared. In doing that sharing, there can be great nurturing of self to be gained from the TLC, R&R and other delicious abbreviations. It’s when the infatuation goes out of balance that there CAN be discord but… doesn’t have to be if folks got my message. Infatuation is like medicine for a reason. Personally, I am hella motivated in my life when I’m infatuated. I can create ANYTHING when I’m in romantic-crush mode. And I admit, when it doesn’t quite go as I wished, hoped, dreamed, it can absolutely sting. But I’m telling you now, that sting is perspective based and it is also healable. I only bring it up right here because I believe the experts I researched who deal with this subject on a regular basis – Don’t know what I know. I bet they don’t personally know what I Gillian know about how to get the best bang for your infatuation buck!
Each infatuation is part of a journey to the ultimate. Each one counts. Each one is important. How you treat it (each infatuation) is important. And if/when it’s time to move on from it, it’s time. Know that habit is a mofo but it’s merely a matter of ‘time’ to let it go and be at peace. And with the right thoughts you can move from the discomfort of loving that habit, quicker. You have to. Don’t waist valuable time. Trust the process: You have evolved as a result of what you just experienced – even if the transition made you cry. Now, you HAVE to make space for the ‘ultimate’ if you want the ultimate to truly fit into your life! You don’t make space for the ultimate by brooding over the less than ultimate! Right?! Right! So, snap out of it! ‘The Ultimate, awaits you’! That is unless you get ‘stuck’ in the poor-me-I-really-loved-that-infatuation-habit-with-the-last-guy-mode!
IN the next installment of The Power of Infatuation I share what other experts have to say – its a lot of PROTECTIVE advice as they see infatuation as a fraudulent romantic experience with deceptive powers! What?! Yeah. Hm… Will share that in Part 2!
Meanwhile – trust me, the hoopla over the Law Of Attraction is REAL, legit and doesn’t stop at the subject of romance! No! Romance IS included!
More next time (in Part 2)! Is it real love or isn't it? And how long does this 'infatuation' stage last before we get to the real deal?!?!?
(c) 2021 Rev. Gillian V. Harris, M.S.P.