

You talkin' to ME?!

By Rev. Gillian V Harris, M.S.P.​​​​
August 2, 2018

Both abilities – mediumship and channeling – are similar as they involve communication with entities from the outside world, but there are still a few differences. While it is possible for an individual to possess both abilities, most mediums typically focus on one of them.

So what are they? What are the differences between mediumship and channeling?

Mediumship refers to a cooperating effort between a ‘middleman’ on the earth plane and those in an incarnation who are now on the outside world.

Channeling basically involves allowing the spirit being of much higher vibration to speak through you using your body and voice. It could also refer to the process through which someone who has received information from a high vibration spirit then communicates that information to others. They can write it… they can paraphrase it so that they are still in control of their body and voice and are merely transmitting the information being given. So long as there is the transfer of information from the Spirit thru the ‘channel’ and then to another earthling (or more than one), that is channeling. Technically, if a channel is getting information from a spirit being and doesn’t share it, all their doing is telepathy. That’s not channeling.  It has to be expressed – message must be delivered in order for it to be channeling.   Please know that it’s possible to channel and you’re the only one home!!  That’s not your fault! Lol! If you are still voicing, or writing the information being given, you are channeling. We encourage you to share this information, when you get an opportunity!

While mediums tend to talk to spirits (people) who have recently finished an incarnation, Channels are communicating with beings of a much higher vibration. Not that one vibration is better than the other. They are simply different. Like the notes on a piano. No one note is better than another! These higher vibration beings are folks who’ve already done a series or two or three of earth incarnations and now they are doing an incarnation without a physical body, communicating with us from their home which is non-physical! Along with being of a higher vibration and living in a higher vibration non-solid dimension these Spirits are guides. Part of their work is to assist the human experience. So they merge with the body of someone who has agreed to allow this and they speak through them with messages of insight, love, and guidance as these beings are more spiritually knowledgeable than the channel.

Most channels, will purposely invite the opportunity to build a relationship with their spirit guide. in this case, the person who invites the spirit is benefiting tremendously but please know these relationships are mutually beneficial especially over a period of time.

There is a theory that for someone to be defined as a channel they have already developed  a relationship and bond with a spirit guide but there are also channels who choose not to hang out in one place too long. Fear of intimacy?! Maybe but this is the truth!  They are still channels even if every time they sit down they usher in a brand new guide.  The channel who operates this way most likely knows about their gate keeper and has a great bond and relationship of trust with this entity. Your gatekeeper is like your bouncer!  His job is to keep the riff raff out!

The connection is made after the earth channel has gone into trance putting their ego and personality … in the back pocket.  Many express a feeling of …FALLING BACK and going with that fall and as that’s happening the Spirit being can ‘blend’ more easily with the earth persons energy field and be within that body.


The individual who communicates with the spirit being in mediumship typically does not allow the spirit gain access to his or her body – but this is not the defining difference. For the most part, the spirit being blends with their energy, next to their body as they speak and provide guidance, information or just conversation. In this case, the medium hears, sees, feels, and/or absorbs the messages from the spirit and communicates back to the entity. Conversation across the veil.  To be a medium it is not required that you share the information that you get or the communication you have with the spirit world.

Interesting difference to note; Between intuitive reading, mediumship and channeling – channeling is the only one where you don’t have to work. You don’t do ANYthing! The visiting Spirit does all the work.   The work for the channel is in the beginning; to get relaxed, to have pen in hand, fingertips on keyboard, or thumb on record button if no one else is there, so the information coming can be captured. But the channel must stop focusing, working, thinking. They need to melt away, dissolve from within, float out, step aside and allow the blending of the guide with them. The guide does all the rest. In the others, mediumship, intuitive reading you are concentrating on discerning Information.  You’re concentrating on getting it right! Concentrating. It's effort. And with accuracy and the desire to bring out evidential information the pressure is on in those other forms of light work.

Many channels act as mediums unknowingly while many mediums perform the process of channeling unknowingly. But in general, the difference is in the level of vibration the entity communicating from the spirit world is.  In Mediumship you’re concentrating so you stay very conscious and can detail what happened afterwards or as its happening. In channeling you are not unconscious but… you’re not in your body! The other spirit is using it and when the session is over, you may not remember what transpired even if they used your voice to say it!
