

By Rev. Gillian V Harris, M.S.P.
July 16, 2017

How to...

Let’s talk about gems and crystals, the energy they emit and how to use that for our benefit!   This is about multiples of stones together in the form of cocktails and Grids! You may already be using cocktails and grids but not realize that these practices actually have a name! When several different stones are combined and put in a bag, box or other container for the purpose of their collective energies bringing a particular outcome – that’s a COCKTAIL. If you were to take those same stones out of the bag, box or other container and put them on a surface, in an order or design with the same intention that they collectively input energy to bring a particular outcome – that’s a GRID!  Grids are wonderful because you can see them which adds to the power of their effect.  Every time you see it you are consciously chiming in as you remember what the grid is intended for.

Let’s start simpler; using one stone at a time!  You're feeling the need for support as you headed into a meeting with your boss so as you leave the house, from your stash, you grab a piece of turquoise! You know that this turquoise is going to help you communicate from a place of wisdom and this is going to come in real handy as you prove your how deserving you are of that raise! So, you’ve got this stone and your holding it, or it's in your pocket or it's in your purse! It's somewhere and your conscious of the stone and, I like to say, the stone is conscious of you too! The stone is doing what it does; vibrating at a certain frequency releasing an energy and as you focus on it and it on you... You draw on its properties, on its energy characteristics which encourage you to draw on your similar energies and characteristics from within to express now in this moment.

So that’s one stone but now we’re talking about customizing the effect of the stone by mixing its energy with another…or several others.  Technically, you can make a crystal grid with one stone! And let me back up just a moment: A crystal grid may not have any crystals in it at all! LOL! The term is indicating the use of more than one stone for a purpose. When more than one stone is gathered together their energies combine. So, in creating a crystal grid you want to use the types of stones that have the type of energy properties in alignment with what it is you are intending.

Let's say you have an altar in your house or just an area where you like to do your meditations, visualizations, prayers, chanting and what not... Maybe you're a medium, a channel, clairvoyant. In this area of your house you might decide to have a crystal grid. I have such an area in my house and my grid is made of pieces of selenite for the purification energy and for its ability to connect me with higher consciousness and the spirit realm. This grid also has pieces of angelite in it which is another stone excellent for connecting with angels and others who reside in the spirit world. And it has one huge chunk of black obsidian for protection from negativity.  Three different types of stones make up this one.

A crystal Grid in every room is wonderful. The practice of consciously using stones and crystals encourages you to get familiar with types, their names and their energy properties! If you don’t want these healing stones to be obvious and you can’t hide the grid, make a cocktail and put it in a hidden spot!  Creating Grids and Cocktails are a powerful creation practice for at least a couple reasons; 1) You decide on the outcome you want and contemplate that. There is creative power in the mere contemplation, so the creation has already begun just with this part. 2) You intend to create a particular outcome. You’re awareness of the power of our intention now factors in! 3) You place the stones energizing their abilities by merely honoring them with the position of being a grid of purpose (a G.O.P.!)!  I know if I were a stone or crystal I’d definitely want to be part of a really good G.O.P.!

Rock on, my friends! Rock on...!