
Chrysocolla – Calms Romantic Break-Up

The Conscious Decoupling Stone!
By Rev. Gillian V. Harris, M.S.P.
September 9, 2018

In my research for stones that could assist us in the ending of romantic relationships I was first drawn to
Chrysocolla. Ultimately I realize the reason my guides took me there first is that Chrysocolla encourages all of the qualities necessary for a Conscious Decoupling!  I feel it as a gateway stone into peace and freedom.  

This is one of my all-time favorite stones. It fascinates me. I have used it as a transition midwife to assist people as they release from the earth bodies they used in this incarnation to move forward in their life Journey.  So, I get that it helps you to release, to let go... These are definitely qualities that you need to have at the end of a relationship!  -At that time when it can feel like a death!  Especially if you were on the side that DIDN’T want it to end! It IS kind of a death. It's the ending of something that added so much to your life!

And sometimes it’s a big BOOM! Ya know the chapter that sometimes comes up in the ending of a relationship which is kind of like a VOLCANO?  Exploding?!  Loudly!!? And spewing lava for miles?! Smoke! Ashes! Panic all around as a result of the massive rumble!? Ever had that kind of break up??  Well, chrysocolla is excellent to have around to help insure it won’t be like that.  It has a way of taming the energetic beast!  Have something difficult to say to a volatile person?!  Take some chrysocolla with you!

Chrysocolla is an empowerment Stone – empowerment especially of the female energies.

The energy of the stone is Courage and genuine power that is best expressed through ….. Gentleness! Yeah! It's the stone of the goddess!

I’ve already said a lot about Chrysocolla! I started with the sensational stuff first!  On a calmer but way important note, Chrysocolla is first and foremost a stone of communication.  And you can see that with the blue color. It looks a lot like turquoise. This color of the throat chakra which governs communication and expression of ones will, character, standards, ethics. But then I follow that by saying chrysocolla and it’s blue is also the stone of forgiveness, peace, and the strengthening of emotional bonds which are beautiful things to communicate.   If you want to have a ‘Conscious Decoupling’, where the two of you are more at peace than about The Break-Up, chrysocolla is what you want. Or if you want to clear the energy of an angry break up, chrysocolla. Chrysocolla encourages compassion.

There’s also something else super important about Chryocolla – as if it hasn’t done enough already…  This is actually an urgent feature. I call it the proverbial last but not least: Chrysocolla is one of those stones that makes you feel extra comfortable in your own skin.   It is the stone of monks, Hermits and prisoners as it diminishes the anxiety and depression that often accompanies seclusion. How about that?!  It’s that priceless difference between alone and lonely! So, if your suddenly left alone at the end of a relationship the stone, chrysocolla, can help you realize your wholeness as a single person which is not only important for your very existence but super healthy for your next relationship!