
Aroma Therapy 101!

By Rev. Gillian V. Harris, M.S.P.
June 20, 2017

Everything's comin' up roses!  These days, many people are turning to more natural and organic methods for the cure and treatment of many different illnesses as well as their psychological and emotional well-being. Aroma Therapy is an ancient method of energizing, healing and relaxing used by countless cultures globe-wide. Surprising tidbit learned in my research is that aroma therapy is one of the fastest growing alternative medicines in the world today! Certainly makes sense! This healing modality actually works!!!

Imagine being able to heal, energize and relax through the use of all natural methods? Aroma Therapy is the way to go if you are looking for a more organic way to treatment any medical or psychological ailments. Or maybe its not an ‘ailment’ but instead you’re looking to the aromas to assist in bringing to life the qualities within you that would take you to your goal line. Confidence, stamina, increased memory etc. Aroma therapy is the answer by way of essential oils. By definition, aroma therapy can come by way of a pot of spaghetti simmering on the stove but essential oils are the quick way to get a slew of different effects by way of what your nose picks up!

This therapy via aroma is at its best when one is using natural pure essential oils extracted from aromatic plants to promote a balanced healthy lifestyle. The oils are extracted from various flowers, herbs, fruits, leaves and resins normally via a process called steam distillation. Each natural essence has its own special characteristics and unique aroma. When purchasing you should do a little research first to make sure the quality of the oils you’re buying are the best possible.  These are not PERFUMES with chemicals in them! No! Essential oils straight from nature. So... what’s happening?                                       .                                                                         

A lot of the affect aroma has on us has to do with memory and association! The aroma of a particular type of cookie baking in the oven may give you a warm fuzzy feeling of being home with your family as a kid. On the other hand, some aromas touch our survival instincts and enhance our fight or flight reflex. Scientists believe that the activity of the nerve signals passing through this region cause mood change by altering brain chemistry! The nerve impulse eventually passes beyond the Limbic system to the Olfactory cortex, located towards the back of the brain. For clarity, the Limbic System includes the Olfactory cortex (which plays a part in emotion)  the hippocampus (which plays a part in the consolidation of information), hypothalamus (which links the nervous system to the endocrine system through the pituitary gland (hormones and metabolism) the parahippocampal gyrus (memory encoding and retreiving) the amygdala( memory, decision making and emotional responses) and many more parts are included in this limbic system which takes us places via aroma!

Through all these parts, we decide whether to be relaxed or alarmed by the aroma. Awakened or stimulated by the aroma. That being said, choose the right aromas and these oils can be great for improving mood and relaxing or energizing the nervous system (depending on the desired effect of the oil). Some immediate side effects of this include an increase in healing and a decrease in stress levels. -My kinda side effect! 😊

 Aroma Therapy oils are a great way to enjoy many extremely healthy and mood enhancing symptoms no matter where you are. With the high stress world we live in today, modern technology seemingly forcing us to go faster and faster, we've got to stop. Unwind. Or find balance in the midst of it.  Essential oils sending a delightful steam into the air from a diffuser in an office setting is very smart!  When I walk into an office like that, i'm calmed immediately and my subconscious is at ease as we expect that we are in a peaceful environment. The aroma made me feel all that!  And there are lots of ways to use essential oils WITHOUT a diffuser!  From just taking a whiff from the bottle (I do that all day, carrying a bottle or two in my purse at all times) to dropping a dab on the filter for the central air system in your home!!! Yes!  Or drop a dot of an essential oil on the inner cardboard section of a roll of toilet paper! Then every time someone unrolls the paper they'll get a wiff of the aroma.  ... I actually haven't tried the toilet paper roll trick - just saw it online! lol! 

Essential oils tend to come in tiny bottles. That's how I can so easily have one or two bottles with me at all times. Lavender to calm me, Lemon to lift me, Bergamot if I’m especially stressed or worried (over nothing!) as it encourages calm and assists in relieving anxiety! Aroma therapy can be used for a plethora of reasons. Got a hot date and want to enhance libido? -Jasmine! Sandlewood also has calming and sexual properties BUT when I want to do a deep meditation, go into trance or converse with those in the spirit world, I’ll burn Sandlewood to enhance my effort.  If you have an exam coming up or you’re learning a new field or involved in something that is going to require your mind to be it’s sharpest; Rosemary will help you out!   The list of ways Aroma therapy can assist you psychologically and emotionally is pretty endless.  But it also has many physiologically medicinal properties where actual ailments can be healed. I recommend finding a chart and then buying some high quality essential oils. Pick what you need right now and know that your stash will grow over time! 🙂  

I need to remind you I am not a doctor! I'm a meta-physician! And personally, I let my medical doctor know everything I'm doing. After 14 years, he's gotten used to me now. And this is a brilliant MD. His colleagues recently voted him Chief of Staff. So, know that aroma therapy has the respect of science and medicine, just as many other natural remedies and healing modalities are also now being taken more seriously.  - Ya know, there was great remorse after they burned Joan of Arch at the stake. So much so, the made her a saint! But she was burned because they didn't believe her metaphysical abilities. She was clairvoyant like crazy... Later what she had been saying, came to pass. Imagine the remorse of those people.  Poor Joan. OMG!  But that was then.  This is now. Explore what nature has for you!

Bottom line: Feel good!  How you feel is about your inner reality which is expressed in your outer experience!! Why not let Aroma therapy assist you getting your inner reality in alignment with what you want your outer experience to be!  Aroma can assist us in day to day doings, our goals, aspirations and growth through this journey that is life!