

By Ronika Haldane

Are your chakras blocking your action?! What? Yeah! Let’s back up for those who are not familiar with chakras -need you to know YOU HAVE THEM! Yes, you have many of them! As a matter fact while there are seven chakras that are most popular, truth is you have more than a dozen chakras! I’ve heard there are many dozens but I like to stop at about 14!! So, what the heck are they?! Asking what are chakras is the same as asking what are body organs?!

This my be news to some: we have two bodies! We have the physical body which were very familiar with in this dimension especially since we can see it with the human eye! Then we have our spirit bodies which seem invisible to the human eye but CAN be measured by equipment which registers electromagnetic activity! And the spirit body or energy body is very much like the physical body except that it’s not physical! While the physical body has organs like a heart, kidneys and a pancreas, liver, etc, the spirit body has chakras! Each chakra covers or…handles a region of the physical body! Each chakra is also linked to an area of our mind; psychological and emotional being.

Let’s not forget my question two paragraphs ago. Is it possible that your chakras are blocking your romantic action?!
Answer; yes!
Clarification, hell yeah!

Chakra knowledge seems to have originated from the Hindu and Buddhist faiths – an understanding about these potent areas, pools of energy in our bodies which govern our psychological qualities. BASICS: Seven Chakras, small but potent pools of energy begin with one at the base of the torso and are placed intermittently up the center of the body til you get to the top of the head. – Well, that’s were the 7th chakra is, anyway… at the top or crown of the head. Juxt about that is the 8th chakra but we can talk about that and the others another time.

The top four chakras (crown, third eye, throat and heart chakras) pretty much are linked to our mental properties and then the bottom three starting with the one at your solar plexus, are pretty much linked to our Instinctual properties.

I can see how one could mistakenly assume that the only chakra to attend to when it comes to romance is the heart chakra but that’s not necessarily true. Just like the human body where the figurative foot bone’s connected to the shin bone’s connected to the knee bone’s connected to the etc….  All chakras are connected and they collectively contribute to a human’s overall well-being. Different chakras need to coordinate with each other for certain physiological and psychological outcomes. Our instincts which may come from our first chakra may need to join forces with our feelings which would be the 3rd and 4th chakras solar plexus and heart with our thinking and discernment from the second chakra sixth chakra third eye.

An unbalanced heart & throat chakra could play into your inability to find peace within. If that peace can’t be achieved within yourself, it can’t be achieved with anybody else. Romance is very, very peaceful! So the trick is to get in harmony with what you are attracting. You’ll need peace within.  If you can’t get there, consider this: When it comes to energy Like attracts Like and… you can’t fool energy!

There are a few ways to test your body to see if your chakras are active or blocked. A Reiki practitioner or Energy Medicine practitioner, lightworker of some sort can often tell through their sensitivities and techniques. Some folks will use tools like a pendulum to read the energy from your chakras. You yourself can monitor the well-being of your chakras. One of the easiest ways is with a pendulum. Anyone can apply self Reiki in at least a light (but effective) dose.  I encourage everyone to learn what Reiki is and be attuned to Level 1 which would give you access to even more powerful doses to apply to yourself as regular energy maintenance!



If you have an ailment you go to the doctor. The doctor gives you a prescription. On your way out of the office you say “by the way, how did I get this ailment? I need to know so that I don’t get it again”. Well, the same goes with your chakras! We don’t need our doctor or even a Reiki Practitioner.  The best tool is your EGS (Emotional Guidance System). Check in with yourself, “how do I feel?” Often an emotional feeling will originate from a place in the body. Where is that?! Which chakra is associated with that area of the body?!

Chakras can become blocked through an episode of upset when your peace is disturbed; conflict, loss, sadness, depression, anger, fear, anxiety, stress… Oh my God, chakras can be blocked by the sort of thing that causes the chakras to malfunction in the first place.  What?! Yes! A vicious cycle.  Emotional upset can disturb the flow of energy to and thru the chakras.  And listen, this disruption to your chakras is not only affecting you psychologically but it’s affecting you physiologically. Your chakras and their health play into your physiological health. So your thoughts play into the well-being of your chakras which play into the well-being of your physical body! Chakras, also being connected to certain psychological parts, plays into how we feel.  How we geel emotionally can play into how we feel physically! Interesting how things all tied together…




  1. You are dwelling on a past relationship. I don’t mean a relationship that is in the process of ending I’m talking about a very, very ended, over with, past tense historic moment a long long time ago relationship. Dwelling on that… Yeah. That’s a sign!


  1. You’re holding grudges… Seriously!? Not letting go leading to not trusting… Leading to inability to commit. Those are merged together often and are a massive sign chakras are troubled.


  1. You’re procrastinating about the next romance! Procrastinating about taking the steps that would adjust your social life in an upward positive and potentially romantic way! This area may also show up in the form of shyness! Which may be registered within yourself as a lack of confidence you may hear yourself say things that are not true regarding your state of worthiness… That’s a strong indication of one or more of your chakras being shut down or spinning in the wrong direction.


There are certainly other signs do you indicate that you would need to spend time directly healing your chakras. But here’s the thing, you can go to the greatest Reiki practitioner for a Reiki healing, which I highly recommend but tandem to that effort you need to make a commitment and execute the inner work to adjust your thoughts and feelings so that the disruption of your Healthy chakra function does not reoccur. Now, with your chakras spinning in the right direction healthy and happy a flow of healthy energy traveling throughout your being and supported by healthy enhancing thoughts and beliefs you are now able to call in the one.


You can also revive and rejuvenate or maintain healthy chakras by participating in guided meditations designed for that purpose.  An interesting experiment I like to do is use a pendulum to test my chakras movement then do a meditation. After the meditation check my chakras again and mark how much difference the meditation journey made! It’s usually pretty profound!