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It was an off-roading retreat in nature company, before. Now, Stargate is a school. A Metaphysical learning academy! And on occasion, the students are invited to go off-roading with me. There's no fee and its only for Stargate students & coaching clients (current and alumni). 

About The Democracy Matters Countdown - 
STARGATE Adventure Curriculum - Conscious creation/The Law of Attraction is put to test in this real life crisis. 
The Democracy Matters Countdown is more than just a book and calendar—it’s a daily motivational guide created to inspire, empower, and strengthen progressives, spiritual seekers, and conscious citizens through the critical years between the 2024 election and the 2029 inauguration.

Packed with historical wisdom, inspirational quotes, and daily affirmations, this book is a must-have for anyone committed to justice, equality, and the preservation of democracy.

Join the movement. Stay inspired. Stay engaged.

Available now 

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