

 "OMG something in the center of my torso was VIBRATING!"
Sound Bather summer 2019

Come to me or I come to you! 

Invite your friends and let's Bathe Together!!

Inquire here  

""Oh my God! At one point I realized I'd fully left my body and levitated!  That was wonderful!"
 Erika C.  (moments after a Sound bath!) 

"The Drums! Oh MAN! Then the drums mixed with the singing bowls - that was awesome! I felt crazy sensations. That was SO other worldly! I'm telling everybody about this!" 
Michael T (after his 1st Sound Bath!)


SOUND BATHS are SOUND HEALING THERAPY: A very gentle yet ultra-powerful experience for your mind, body and energy field. You are being bathed in vibration and frequencies of notes and rhythms. The sounds are created by a variety of instruments including gongs, singing bowls, rain sticks, drums, human voice, chimes and so much more! 

WHAT TO EXPECT: The results are waves of peace, heightened awareness, and relaxation of the mind, body and spirit. Some people experience emotional healing. Emotional healing can lead or aid physical healing. Others get great insights into their lives (present, past and or future!).  Often the effects of the bath are unfolding over the following days and weeks!

BENEFITS: This type of sound healing therapy is believed extremely helpful in lowering stress, decreasing mood swings, blood pressure, cholesterol levels. Sound healing has been found to enhance the efforts of those learning pain management techniques. It can lower risks for coronary artery disease and stroke! And improves sleep!  

Private Sound Healing Sessions for GROUP OR 'INDIVIDUAL's ARE AVAILABLE.  Make it a party among your friends! Come to Gillian, or she will travel to you (depending on distance)!

Basic Prices: 

Solo Bath (1 person) $150
Duet Bath (2 people) $180
Private Group Bath (3 - 12 people) $250

(Ask about special discounts for cash payments!)

Inquire here  

(Open to Public) GROUP SESSIONS happen weekly: details below; locations and schedules.


This is the Sound Bath spot for everyone! Worth the drive if not in the West San Fernando Valley (Southern California).  Our location is quaint - only fits a dozen comfortably. We like to call the room full at 9! The location is mountaintop in Woolsey Canyon (West Hills, basically).
Keep Up with our Calendar to know what types of baths are coming up.

Each Sound Bath is a rich enhancing ceremony designed for a particular type of healing. One day, its Abundance. Next its Romance. We do Health, World Peace, Weight Release (!), Stress Release, Self-Empowerment sound baths and literally DOZENS more, like; Energy Field Cleansing (this sound Bath also features a group Reiki Healing), elevated self-worth. We do an amazing Self-Forgiveness Sound Bath that is out of this world!! And the different types of Sound Baths and focuses are born all the time!

The rest of this page is ancient. I just left it to remember how it will soon be again! 🙂

While, I am available to do private Sound Baths at YOUR location, I also have a busy schedule of baths at my regular location! Book a session with your friends! We'll Sound Bathe at your place or bring the party over here!!!

ON THE MOUNTAIN -  My Healing Room in Woolsey Canyon (West Hills-ish)! RSVPs required for address. Space is limited to 9 at a time.  To solve the space issue, we simply have more baths here including some in the middle of the day and many after work at 7 or 7:30pm!


The ever growing SOUND BATH DESCRIPTION LIST is under the Calendar!

If YOU would like to experience a sound bath with a particular focus or intention, please send an email and let us know and we'll let Gillian know  - if she doesn't know already! She sees many emails before anyone else! 
Just use the CONTACT US page. 

Click Here to Reserve your space through our Meet Up Calendar.

I promise to add new group dates when we can!!!
I miss you, too!!! 

  1. 1
    Friday February 28, 2020 7:30 pm -  TOTAL CHILL SESSION (RELAXATION) SOUND BATH Click HERE to RSVP
  2. 2
    Saturday February 29, 2020 3 pm HEART CHAKRA HEALING  SOUND BATH Click HERE to RSVP 
  3. 3
    Tuesday March 3, 2020 7:30 pm  INNER PEACE WORLD HEALING SOUND BATH Click HERE to RSVP
  4. 4
    Monday March 9, 2020 7:30 pm  FULL MOON SOUND BATH  Click HERE to RSVP
  5. 5
    Wednesday March 11, 2020 7:30 pm CONSCIOUS MANIFESTOR  SOUND BATH Click HERE to RSVP 
  6. 6
    Friday March 13, 2020 7:30 pm WEIGHT RELEASE SOUND BATH Click HERE to RSVP 
  7. 7
    Saturday March 14, 2020 7:30 pm PROJECT BLESSINGS AND ABUNDANCE SOUND BATH Click HERE to RSVP 
  8. 8
    Monday March 16, 2020 7:30 pm - LOVE/IAM SELF & WORLD HEALING Click HERE to RSVP 
  9. 9
    Wednesday March 19, 2020 7:30 pm WEIGHT RELEASE SOUND BATH Click HERE to RSVP 
  10. 10
    Saturday March 21, 2020 4 pm FITNESS, HEALTH & WELLNESS BATH Click Here to RSVP  
  11. 11
    Saturday March 21, 2020 7:30 pm -  HIGH ON FREQUENCY - RELAXATION BATH Click HERE to RSVP 
  12. 12
    Friday March 27, 2020 7:30 pm -  THE SACRED YAWN! - RELAXATION BATH Click HERE to RSVP 


ABUNDANCE: is more than just about money! Though money is part of it! Abundance is about having enough of any and everything that is good! Enough shelter, transportation, nutrition, LOVE. Enough money, enough joy, enough passion! Enough of everything that is good. Enough true friendships, enough expressed creativity, enough being so much there's ENOUGH to share with others.  Abundance!  To enhance the experience of abundance this sound bath places emphasis on 1st, 2nd, 7th and 8th chakras. RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey: Citrine, Pyrite, Green Aventurine, Green Jade

PROJECT BLESSINGS & ABUNDANCE:  This sound bath is not only for abundance as described above, but we take the time to conjur up a very important project your working on so that it's energy field is now present in the sound bath to be doused by the frequencies of success and abundant intentions.  We focus on the two chakras which influence your Reticular Activating System (the mechanism in the brain that basically makes goals happen!). Bring you project in heart and we will tend to it in this bath. We will also tend to abundance in general, in your world.  RECOMMENDED STONES: Cinnabar, Citrine, Pyrite, Green Jade, Diamond.

FITNESS, HEALTH & WELLNESS: This Sound Bath will be aim at the entire chakra system but with emphasis on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras  to help stimulate activation and healthy motion of these energy centers.  In tandem, the 5th and 6th chakras will play a part as you use them to help you consciously create the health and wellness you desire.  Self love being key, we will not miss the heart chakra! Goal is to increase system immunity. RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey: Citrine, Selenite, Amethyst, Pearl, Amber, 

IMMUNE SYSTEM BOOSTER: This Bath is an injection through frequency! It charges your entire system of energy centers.  Remember, each energy center (or 'chakra')  governs a portion of your physiology as well as your emotional make up. Both of these play into your wellness. This bath is a system overhaul. An energy center tune-up. The session is sometimes choreographed to assist in a sweeping motion of the energy from top to bottom and to the top and out by using the notes in alignment with their relative chakras.  There is absolutely a Reiki Dose given for a few minutes of this bath where I stand and aim it at everyone in the room - Unless you want to be excluded.  This dose of Reiki is merely to enhance your body's natural ability to heal itself. It will also assist you in your intention for a strong (lets go bionic) immune system!  RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your intention: Amethyst, Calcite, Emerald, Lepidolite, Flourite.

HEAL THE SADNESS this bath was triggered by the sudden / tragic  earth dimension departure of Kobe Bryant, his daughter and everyone else aboard that chopper that day.  Of Course by the time you get to this sound bath you may have healed from that particular sadness and are into a different one. In those chapters where we face and deal with sadness we also may experience difficulty getting it to fully lift.  When sadness has been a full body experience,  treatment is helpful to assist you in releasing and then adjusting back to your natural state of joy.  This bath touches every major chakra  and a good group of extras as it will reach beyond the 8th 'Soul Star' chakra. May you exit this sound bath feeling lighter, happier and of course very relaxed and at peace! Namaste!

HEART CHAKRA HEALING: There are physical and emotional symptoms of a blocked heart chakra.  Physically: Hypertension, respiratory problems or even tightness in your chest area are signs. Cardiovascular problems are a sign of a blocked heart chakra. And yes this indicates that opening and clearing your heart chakra is good for your health.

On the emotional psychological level, lacking empathy, feeling withdrawn and anti-social. Being overly critical of others and yourself, being overly demanding of others and yourself.  Are you embedded in your ‘I’m a victim’ story?! Are you behaving co-dependently where you extend yourself to help others only to your own personal detriment?! These are signs of a heart chakra in crisis.  This sound bath of course focuses intensely on the 4th (heart) chakra but also the 3rd chakra the 7th and 8th.  

ALSO: I recommend a light meal of leafy greens high in vitamin C and or warm broth as a nice pre or post sound bath meal to enhance your heart chakra healing. SUGGESTED STONES TO ENHANCE YOUR SOUND JOURNEY: Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Citrine, Emerald, Rhodocrosite, Prehnite  

INCREASE PSYCHIC ABILITY: This is a nyummy sound bath as the notes are in sync with your 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th chakras! We'll focus in the area where emotion live (3rd chakra) and work to relieve distracting negative energies. Love is an important part of the fuel you'll need to connect with the stream of consciousness where information flows continuously. 6th and 7th chakras of course are your vision and ultimate connection. The intention of this bath is to enhance your ability. In days and weeks after this bath you will experience an unfolding. The  more often you do this particular bath allowing its frequencies to penetrate your being, the more you will have evidential moments to show you reason to have even more confidence in out psychic abilities. SUGGESTED STONES TO ENHANCE YOUR JOURNEY AND INTENTION: Angelite, Selenite, Moonstone, Moldavite, Labradorite, Lemurian Crystal... 

LOVE/ I AM: This is an amazing full circle Sound Bath where you are first immersed in yourself as LOVE.  Love and you are one but this becomes your full awareness. Much healing comes from that perspective and along with the healing is power to share the frequency, aiming it out to consciously infuse healing into the world! RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey: Moonstone, Rose quartz, Rhodonite, Lapis Lazuli

(CONSCIOUS) MANIFESTER ACTIVATION: Bring a clear intention to this Session! The jewel of a bath is focused on the first and last word in the title: 'Conscious ...Activation'. The fact that you are a manifester is a given! To get conscious about it is the ticket, right?! And to activate that wisdom NOW, not later, RIGHT?!  This bath allows you time to immerse in the energy of your authentic abilities - Time to see... so you can feel... so you can activate your manifestation into present tense!  RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey: Carnelian, Selenite, Malachite

RELAXATION: This bath is of course designed to assist you in releasing any and all remnants of stress, frustration, angst, rushing deadlines, debt and worry of any kind. The notes and focus change your vibration. Guided meditation assists in keeping your thoughts in alignment with your natural state of freedom... Peace of mind... Quiet, healing, relaxation... (Emphasis on 1st, 4th & 7th chakras.) RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey: Hematite, Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Amethyst)

ROMANCE:  Of course this bath will focus on your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras quite a lot. We focus there first then move to the upper chakras 5, 6, 7 and 8 to activate your intentions.  This sound bath is truly enhanced when you know what you want before we begin!  What are you creating or allowing?! Is it possible that you need the sound bath session to assist you in "allowing"?!  The Whether you are simply nurturing a great relationship, healing a tested relationship or creating a brand new one all together, this is an amazing sound bath to swim in and you'll find it's frequency will travel with you into the day thereafter! RECOMMENDED STONES  to enhance your journey: Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Lapus Lazuli, Opal, Moonstone, Garnet...

WEIGHT RELEASE SOUND BATH: This is focused heavily on the 3rd and 4th chakras where emotion and self love are the core vibrations to heal and sooth. This bath has a guided meditation that communicates with not only your mind but your cellular structure offering release of the negative, nurturing of the positive, bolstering your self worth and drive to reach your goal line!! RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey: Green Tourmaline, Sunstone, Carnelian, Selenite, Malachite

WORLD PEACE:  We'll allow the sounds to enhance our ability to center and focus as we call in/ conjure up the frequency of peace and love and then aim it at spots on the globe that are in need.  RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey:   Rose Quartz, Lapus Lazuli, Sodalite, Pyrite

RECYCLE - RENEW - RECHARGE THE MAGNIFICENT YOU!  This is basically a system tune up!  Its taking all you are and reenergizing it! You are perfect as you are but you may be feeling a bit burned out or fatigued in some way or about something. You need your system to be fully balance and spinning in positive motion so that your light can't help but shine! Like re-upping the battery in a flashlight!  The sound frequencies will touch your authentic self and merely illumine - activate - re charge it. YOu'll feel renewed but its just you in all your magnificence shining again! All systems (chakras) will be in GO mode once you emerge from this sound bath. Use that to consciously create....  RECOMMENDED STONES to enhance your journey are:  Nephrite, Carnelian, Amber, Moonstone, Turquoise

FULL MOON SOUND HEALING: This is an opportunistic moment!  We're gonna take advantage of the moon energy and blend it with the healing affect of 342 Mz tones.  The moon intensifies our emotion.  This happens more to some than others but it happens! Depending on what emotion, this could be a beautiful thing.  Emotion is a very CREATIVE energy.  With Sound Healing, we are using notes to affect chakras which affect parts of your emotional and psychological make up so ... yeah! Lets focus for an hour, using the moons incredible power but guiding it consciously with a purposeful sound healing to ELEVATE!  This session will cover all main chakras. If you've done this with me before you know I include the 8th chakra.  It's a pretty urgent chakra and it is fully in play as the moon intensifies our states of being!  Our Intention, ultimately, is that you will emerge from this bath illumined with your inner light shining brighter than ever and may that reflect in everything you do and all that you intend. SUGGESTED STONES to enhance the journey: Chrysocolla, Moonstone,  Angelite, all Crystals

STONES AND CRYSTAL RECOMMENDATIONS ARE MERELY THAT! RECOMMENDATIONS. SUGGESTIONS!   These gems can be held or placed on one or a series of your chakras as you go through the sound bath!  One stone will do but in each category you've been given a few suggestions. Please know there are dozens of more choices of stones and crystals that can be used in alignment with each intention!