

By Awesome Milano
June 11, 2017

Miracle! That’s a commonly used word in the fitness space – so common that it gets thrown around like a 1-pound dumbbell. But still, when it concerns High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), a really short workout regimen, the benefits you’ve heard are not only legitimate, they are miraculous. Not only is HIIT one of the fastest ways to shed off body fat and boost your endurance levels, it improves your metabolic rate even up to 24-48 hours after your workout routine.

HIIT is a very specific type of training. This means it is possible to engage in brief, high-intensity workouts at intervals without actually performing the real HIIT workout regimen. While it is an incredible and effective way to achieve the top level fitness results you desire, it is important that you do it right. So what is HIIT about? How do you get it right to enjoy your desired results?

HIIT is a short cardio session, with brief bursts of very hard work. The goal of the training session is to push yourself to maximum level during every move. That is why the sets are short – between 20-90 seconds. It is the typical opposite of engaging in long meter races where you manage your energy levels for longer and better activity. So whether your goal is to ensure your blood sugar level is under control, strengthen your muscles, kick off your weight loss goals, or improve your fitness levels, a few minutes of HIIT is a great way to boost your performance levels – especially for athletes.

Although all exercise routines help burn fat and improve fitness, but more intense exercise, working your hardest is essential to boosting your endurance levels and complementing the development of your strength to help you get shredded. The level of intensity required to get it right with HIIT takes some time to get used to. To check your intensity levels, fitness experts recommend you make use of a Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale as it describes your efforts on a gauge, with the maximum level (most likely 10) being a give-it-all-you-can intensity level.

Does that sound like too much work? Well, that’s the idea: hardest work = higher oxygen intake = great calorie burn. But there is something that you may hardly think about during your little intervals. Rest. With high level drills and workouts, rest is key to your success during the session. If you don’t take some time to recover, you are not getting it right. While you need to get used to the training session, repeatedly getting used to two different states – high-intensity drill and rest – makes for an exceptional cardio conditioning. Rest prepares the body to enable it to perform at its peak during the brief and intense bursts.

Of course, the rules here are pretty simple: work really hard, rest, and go again. If you are a beginner, you could go out for say, 30, 60, 90 seconds, and rest for twice the time, before starting the next set. The 1:2 work ratio is an incredible way for beginners to achieve top level results. Ultimately, be sure to work with a great diet plan so you do not compromise your fitness efforts.

Now you are ready to go for your HIIT session. Always remember: if you are not working at your hardest, you are not getting it right.