Gillian Harris CEO, Metaphysical Consultant, Author
A Mind, Body & Spirit Fitness Journal
" ‘My Victory Agenda’ is designed not only to track your physical efforts and progress but to keep and lift your energetic vibration high enough that your efforts to manifest your goal are supported and bolstered into effective action by energy. The higher your vibration is – or, more simply put, the happier you are (!), the more powerful you will be at creating your intentions!"
~ 'My Victory Agenda'

"It all starts with belief. If you believe it, you’re on your way. But you can’t just sit there believing. You’ve got to do something! Focus, calculate, plan, and put forth energy by taking action and then maintain this stance until your intention is manifest."
Rev. Gillian V. Harris, M.S.P.
'My Victory Agenda...'
"Its like my fitness coach - except I can afford this one! I set my plan of action and the journal holds me accountable. My Victory Agenda is my companion while I slay this weight release program! Thank you!! Wendy T Insurance Broker
"Wow! This really makes me pay attention. Logging my food was such a pain at first but now that I see the value - the way it reality checks me every minute, I'm hooked!"
-Gary H Retail Sales rep
"I actually LOOK FORWARD to journaling in My Victory Agenda! The exercises are WONDERFUL and truly do lift my spirits. I never thought the words joyful and discipline could be side by side but with My Victory Agenda I'm experiencing 'Joyful Discipline' and.....its WORKING!"
Carolyn G, Import/Export - Logistics
MY VICTORY AGENDA: A Mind, Body, Spirit Fitness Journal
One of the biggest reasons ‘diets’ tend to fail is because along the way we can ‘lose the vision’. The other reason diets tend to not work is because it’s a purely physical effort; calories in and calories out. But the truth of the matter is, ANY diet CAN work. ANY weight loss method CAN work. Any weight loss surgery CAN be effective. All of these things CAN work so long as the other parts of your being, are also in alignment with your overall intention. What am I talking about?!
You are more than just a physical being. You are an emotional, mental and spirit being. All of those parts need to be in harmony with your physical effort! This workbook and fitness journal is a tool to help you shift and shape your intention! This is about conscious creation but we are using the principles of the Law of Attraction directly toward the goal of weight release, maximum fitness AND the inner peace and joy that goes along with that physical accomplishment."