Gillian Harris CEO, Metaphysical Consultant, Author
The Secrets of LOST: The Validity of Multi-Dimensional Existence...
"...This was a deadly crash, make no mistake about it.
EVERYONE "DIES"! But...they don't know they're dead cuz after you die
you find out death isn't what you thought it was!"
"In reading the interviews of the LOST creators Carlton and Damon - they didn't mean for LOST to be more than 3 seasons. They had to BEG for a deal to end it at the 6th season. So, they had to STRETCH the show to make it 6 seasons instead of 3. In doing that they displayed how life reincarnations can be experienced. I'm willing to put a significant amount of money in a bet that they did NOT realize they were doing this! In the coming pages look for the flower analogy! This explanation will be part of bringing clarity to all the wacky back n forth n sideways of time in LOST and show how those episodes accurately illustrate the point that - as I type, as you read this, we (you & me) are as 'dead' as dead gets!
...My favorite metaphor is a flower. Each flower is a person. Each petal on a flower is a life time. All petals are alive at the same time,as are all incarnations happening NOW. The center of the flower is our soul connecting us systemically to the earth and oneness with all other flowers and The Creator of all there is..."